26 in Only Ash
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25th Sep 2019, 2:04 PM edit | delete

ahoy there, I missed an update for the first time in a long time, that's what happens when you get used to buffer and then don't have any

Did you know, this will end on halloween?


25th Sep 2019, 3:28 PM edit | delete | reply

Y'all ever just stay in a burning building?

25th Sep 2019, 10:47 PM edit | delete | reply


25th Sep 2019, 3:30 PM edit | delete | reply

Also Corey hide the fucking gasoline. You'll get indicted immediately.

25th Sep 2019, 4:35 PM edit | delete | reply

"its on fire" NO SHIT????

25th Sep 2019, 4:37 PM edit | delete | reply

"We're real crims now!" ---> I wonder if Chris would repeat that in court...

"It's on fire!" ---> That's a very astute Sherlock-level observation, Dylan!

25th Sep 2019, 4:46 PM edit | delete | reply

that's Jerry noticing the place is on fire haha, he's been talking via square boxes over the last page or so because he's somewhere? in the building

25th Sep 2019, 4:53 PM edit | delete | reply

Mal has achieved the level of chill we mortals can't comprehend.
And Dylan, hon, now is the perfect time to start thinking, you should know something isn't right when Jerry knows better than you c:

25th Sep 2019, 5:38 PM edit | delete | reply

Shiiiit. Does Dylan have a death wish? Someone please get this boy out of the burning building before he’s consumed by fire.

I also have to wonder how Malachy feels about his impending second death. He looks pretty chill for someone standing at the precipice of oblivion

25th Sep 2019, 6:18 PM edit | delete | reply

Chris is the real true чувак! LMAO! This is the sort of tale to bring up over a drink with a bunch of guys. Uh, but at least 15 years later or so. ;D

Dunno if Mal disappears when the hospital burns down but since he can go outside just fine, in case he does not, then maybe it is best for Dylan to stall him there. As dangerous as that is :/

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