11 in Only Ash
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Author Note

31st Jul 2019, 2:21 PM edit | delete

i trust


31st Jul 2019, 3:51 PM edit | delete | reply

Yea this is clearly going to end well, all sunshine and rainbows c':

31st Jul 2019, 4:00 PM edit | delete | reply

Dear diary,

today I strangled a ghost.

It was a very weird day.

31st Jul 2019, 5:16 PM edit | delete | reply

Ah, Mal. Poor deranged bastard.

Dylan must be completely passed out again, what with that grab actually connecting. Here’s hoping he comes to to find that losing Jerry was just part of the hallucination

31st Jul 2019, 5:53 PM edit | delete | reply

So this comic momentarily boiled down to "mine deaths are better than yours, no offense". LMAO!
For real though: With all the powers he displayed, Mal might as well be able to take over another body completely and live with it. I do not know if that sort of second chance would be even worth it unless he can also transfer his appearance. Like a Ditto. DITTO GHOST!

31st Jul 2019, 6:04 PM edit | delete | reply

Hold on, so I smell the five stages of grief here? Denial just after jerry disappeared, bargaining on the previous page, and now anger/blame. :o

2nd Aug 2019, 5:00 PM edit | delete | reply

That's as good a theory as I've heard yet!

31st Jul 2019, 6:05 PM edit | delete | reply

Next up he bleaches his hair and becomes the charlatan from Ghost Stories...

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