29-30 in Floods
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Author Note

22nd Jun 2019, 2:02 PM edit | delete

This was a fun scene to ends the chapter! I feel like at this point all the stuff Dylan and malachy have said has already been pointed out in comments heheh

Anyway, will post the next chapter cover on Wednesday and get into ~the final chapter~
see you then ;D


22nd Jun 2019, 3:12 PM edit | delete | reply

Pardon my french, but holy shit. HOOOOLY shiiiiit. This is just a gorgeous update all around. And there, right there, is what I’ve been eagerly awaiting - Malachy’s angle. He’s going after Annie. I am mad pumped to see what this final chapter has in store.

Side note - Chris is blessed. Boi did research for his friend until he passed out, what a legend

22nd Jun 2019, 4:42 PM edit | delete | reply

Thank you! Malachy had to think up that angle real quick since he didn't really think about what he'd do if he killed Dylan and was still stuck in the hospital...

good old chris! he truly can sleep anywhere, he is the nap king

22nd Jun 2019, 3:50 PM edit | delete | reply

Well!! This sure isn't good!!!!

22nd Jun 2019, 4:42 PM edit | delete | reply


22nd Jun 2019, 8:47 PM edit | delete | reply

Oh god oh fuck we’re approaching the final stretch aaaaaaaaaaa

23rd Jun 2019, 6:10 PM edit | delete | reply

Last time you said "next summer" so I guess you are sticking to that, eh? Good luck with the final stretches of this beast :D

I am not going to say it was easier back then but funny how even these two finally talked. Maybe a lot could have been prevented if Mal just played it straight from the beginning but obviously he enjoyed everything.
That said, if he really can terrorize others like Dylan's sister then I guess I have my answer of what he is capable of and how far he can continue to push this :(

31st Aug 2019, 9:25 PM edit | delete | reply

Well, that’s EXTREMELY worrying.

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