5 in Noose Hill
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Author Note

1st Nov 2017, 4:16 PM edit | delete

I often forget dylan has a sister.
Why do all my chapters start with him doing some real mundane stuff?


1st Nov 2017, 7:45 PM edit | delete | reply

I recently found this comic, and it´s already among my favorite webcomics! The pacing, the characters and the pictures make it a really engaging experience. Also, it reminds me a bit of Donnie Darko at times.

2nd Nov 2017, 1:28 PM edit | delete | reply

Aa thank you so much! I really love Donnie Darko, so that's an awesome comparison :D

1st Nov 2017, 9:06 PM edit | delete | reply

I think Dylan himself forgets that all the time.
It is like he wanted to solve some problem without considering anyone else but himself.

2nd Nov 2017, 3:44 PM edit | delete | reply

They're not a very close family, are they?

3rd Nov 2017, 9:07 PM edit | delete | reply

Seems like it...
I thought they were actually but I guess Dylan (or probably Jerry, really) effed it up :/
Now I am really interested in how this broken family "works"...

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