27 in Only Ash
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28th Sep 2019, 2:01 PM edit | delete

it's the j man and he's got his scarf back


28th Sep 2019, 3:01 PM edit | delete | reply

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28th Sep 2019, 8:11 PM edit | delete | reply

Yes yesss the SCARF!!! No idea why he’s got it again except for the sake of symmetry but this delights me

Speaking of delightful, it’s wonderful to see Jerry again, if only briefly. SOMEONE has to give Dylan the scathing roast he deserves.

28th Sep 2019, 8:38 PM edit | delete | reply

the secret reason is that Jerry has been disappearing and reforming a bunh and if he doesn't pay attention he reverts to his Original Form which had the scarf

but meta reasons yeah, symmetry! same reason dylan's wearing his buckle coat and a black polo neck

29th Sep 2019, 6:07 PM edit | delete | reply

Take a shot every time Dylan misses Jerry and Jerry comes back to save his butt yet another time!

I wonder if at this point Corey knows everything or suspects it. I can see him rushing back in since he is sorta that kind that changes their opinion at the last moment and then acts? Hm.
Dylan has been way too suspicious now for somebody like him?

1st Oct 2019, 1:10 AM edit | delete | reply

dude, jerrys face in the middle. gave me chills.

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