27 in Floods
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15th Jun 2019, 2:15 PM edit | delete

Malachy just wanted to make sure nobody had forgotten him, he was feeling left out in this happy chapter


15th Jun 2019, 3:28 PM edit | delete | reply

Maybe if Dylan was nice and gave Malachy a kind compliment on his suit, he'd feel included in this happy chapter and be at peace and everyone would be happy :')

15th Jun 2019, 3:35 PM edit | delete | reply

I mean it's technically Jerry's suit, so I dunno if that would work

15th Jun 2019, 4:15 PM edit | delete | reply

Perphaps finding a way to help him would help? Somehow letting him meet Rob or leave the hospital?
Idk loose guesses c:

15th Jun 2019, 5:11 PM edit | delete | reply

Malachy is lookin STUNNING in panel 3, damn. Who woulda thought the suit of someone you lowkey goaded a guy into murdering would be such a LOOK

In all seriousness though, I wonder what he’s planning to do. Something tells me he’s got a few more tricks up his sleeve

15th Jun 2019, 8:04 PM edit | delete | reply

He's gonna lecture Dylan like an angry dad

Funny thing is the suits Malachy would have work when he was alive were horribly unfashionable. Mismatching jackets and trousers he got from a charity shop because it's cheap and he has no taste

15th Jun 2019, 6:18 PM edit | delete | reply

I love the new monochromatic color scheme going on here. And I do agree with Malachy, the suit looks great on him!

15th Jun 2019, 8:05 PM edit | delete | reply

Thank you! It was a really fun color scheme.

15th Jun 2019, 7:24 PM edit | delete | reply

Hmm… sounds like Dylan’s picked up on a clue to Mal’s True cause of death.

15th Jun 2019, 8:07 PM edit | delete | reply

When you've gotta solve a mysterious death from ten years ago before the victim gets you killed

16th Jun 2019, 6:26 PM edit | delete | reply

How is that going to help him though? A peace of mind? Okay.
If he kills Dylan then he will be still stuck in the hospital. Just feeling slightly better for slightly longer. Unless it would turn even Dylan into a ghost and he would be stuck with him. OH boy...

16th Jun 2019, 10:21 PM edit | delete | reply

I doubt that Malachy is thinking this, and maybe not even Moth, but resolving 'unfinished business' is a common ghost trope in allowing them to move on in the afterlife. Presumably Malachy gets his revenge and… de/ascends?

19th Jun 2019, 5:48 PM edit | delete | reply

Yeah, that is how it usually goes though in his case I feel like he might just want Dylan to experience the same stuck afterlife. Maybe it is actually as crappy as his OR maybe it can be as good as Jerry's. We only have two examples and they are opposite. Hm.

16th Jun 2019, 10:33 PM edit | delete | reply

He has a fixation on getting some kind of revenge, whatever the original reason. It's the only thing he knows. he has nothing else to do and I doubt he's given much thought to afterwards.

17th Jun 2019, 7:40 PM edit | delete | reply

Malachy is just trying out for the character of Rod Serling in a Twilight Zone revial stage production in the afterlife. Somehow I don't think he's *quite* got the dialogue and attitude down yet. The suit looks good though. ;)

19th Jun 2019, 2:29 PM edit | delete | reply

is there any way in which Malachy can be the zone itself

the only dialogue he knows is lecturing people and then laughing :(

18th Jun 2019, 10:59 PM edit | delete | reply

I honestly feel sorry for malachy, however, he's being a bit of a dick considering that Dylan weren't the one that killed him.

19th Jun 2019, 2:26 PM edit | delete | reply

Oh definitely, Malachy has had it rough ad can't really bame him for sort of losing it. but he is definitely evil these days.

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