25 in Deepwell
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6th Mar 2019, 3:14 PM edit | delete

Jerry, uh
Say something?

I enjoy dylan's very pathetic look in that bottom panel a lot. If you wanna laugh like malachy you've gotta exhale the first HA and inhale all the other ones like you're outta breath.


6th Mar 2019, 4:21 PM edit | delete | reply

Jesus christ. I don’t even have words for this page, let alone that “no.” Malachy is absolutely unhinged and making some pretty good points. I love the detail of the rash flaring up and then fading back away. Heck, I’m already dying for the next update

6th Mar 2019, 5:06 PM edit | delete | reply

Unhinged it exactly the word I'd use to describe him :}

Yeah he's finding it a little tricky to keep his appearance together, this was the part where I couldn't decide if the symbolism of having him looking like jerry was worth going against the logic that he's meant to be really exhausted right now.

6th Mar 2019, 7:05 PM edit | delete | reply

Yeah. This would be one reason that sucks for ghosts. Hard to argue. It is one thing to say this to a real killer who might feel something in the end and another to somebody who actually came back from the dead. Weird irony is that at least when you are dead you no longer have to feel all of this and anything people say afterwards about you.

I suppose Mal chose the better approach? He got robbed of that by Jerry and now Jerry is in the same boat. It is hard to argue but then there is this fiction/story bias saying you want to see Jerry b-slapping him but really. What do you even say? That is why I think it is time to be the brother you never really were. It is time.

6th Mar 2019, 11:06 PM edit | delete | reply

I don't think any of malachy's approaches have been the better ones :p
I would have liked to have Jerry put up an argument here because that would've been fun, but it never seemed right. He's nowhere near as persuasive as Malachy and Mal's just speaking the truth, what can he say? so abject silence it is

8th Mar 2019, 7:47 PM edit | delete | reply

Hah, that is true. It is probably safe to ask WHOSE approaches here were actually any good ever, haha.

6th Mar 2019, 10:17 PM edit | delete | reply

I just attempted Malachy's laugh as you described and please, kids, do NOT attempt this when your mouth is half full of chocolate.

This public safety announcement was brought to you by my scratchy nasty throat.

6th Mar 2019, 10:19 PM edit | delete | reply

(Ahem, this was me, didn't notice I was logged out through my mucosal spasms)

6th Mar 2019, 10:23 PM edit | delete | reply

I don't recommend it with a heavy sore throat

had a nasty cold back when I wrote this part and since I gotta read everything out loud over and over while i'm doing it, my throat was r a w

6th Mar 2019, 10:43 PM edit | delete | reply

These last few pages have totally been worth the years long wait to get to this point.

6th Mar 2019, 10:57 PM edit | delete | reply

this was never even in the plan >_>
i'm really ignoring my script at this point

6th Mar 2019, 11:49 PM edit | delete | reply

Malachy's expression in panel 4 is perfect.

7th Mar 2019, 12:09 AM edit | delete | reply

that's an I'M TOTALLY SANE face if I ever did see one

Thanks, I'm very happy with it 8)

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